

Bible class on Saturday June 20th, 2015





  • イエスの十字架を担ぐ「キレネ人シモン」~証し、派遣される人

32 Along the way
they came on a man from Cyrene named Simon and made him carry Jesus
' cross.:途中で彼らはシモンという名のキレネから来た男にイエスの十字を担がせた。




  • イエスの死を見ていた傍観者の受け止め方~旧約預言への証

midafternoon Jesus groaned out of the depths, crying loudly,
"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why
have you abandoned me?

47 Some bystanders
who heard him said,
"He's calling for Elijah." :彼(イエス)の言葉を聞いた一部の傍観者は言った。「彼は、エリヤに呼びかけている。」と。



マラキ書4:5  「見よ。わたしは主の大いなる恐ろしい日が来る前に、預言者エリヤをあなたがたに遣わす。」



  • 「引き裂かれたカーテン」~神との和解の成就、そして「開かれた教会」の始まり

51 At that moment, the
Temple curtain was ripped in two, top to bottom.





  • 安息日の掟を無視する「アリマタヤの金持ちヨセフ」

57 Late in the afternoon a wealthy man from Arimathea, a disciple of
Jesus, arrived. His name was Joseph. He went to Pilate and asked for Jesus'
body.He went to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.

Pilate granted his request. :午後遅くアリマタヤからの裕福な人(イエスの弟子の一人)が到着した。彼の名はジョセフ。彼はピラトのところに行ってイエスの遺体の要求を願い出た。ピラトは彼の要求を訊き入れた。





Matthew 27 The Message (MSG)


32-34 Along the way they came on a man
from Cyrene named Simon and made him carry Jesus' cross.
Arriving at
Golgotha, the place they call "Skull Hill," they offered him a mild painkiller
(a mixture of wine and myrrh), but when he tasted it he wouldn't drink it.

35-40 After they had finished nailing him
to the cross and were waiting for him to die, they whiled away the time by
throwing dice for his clothes. Above his head they had posted the criminal
charge against him: this is jesus, the king of the jews. Along with him, they
also crucified two criminals, one to his right, the other to his left. People
passing along the road jeered, shaking their heads in mock lament: "You bragged
that you could tear down the Temple and then rebuild it in three days--so show
us your stuff! Save yourself! If you're really God's Son, come down from that

41-44 The high priests, along with the
religion scholars and leaders, were right there mixing it up with the rest of
them, having a great time poking fun at him: "He saved others--he can't save
himself! King of Israel, is he? Then let him get down from that cross. We'll
all become believers then! He was so sure of God--well, let him rescue his 'Son'
now--if he wants him! He did claim to be God's Son, didn't he?" Even the two
criminals crucified next to him joined in the mockery.

45-46 From noon to three, the whole
earth was dark. Around midafternoon Jesus groaned out of the depths, crying
loudly, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why have
you abandoned me?"

47-49 Some bystanders who heard him
said, "He's calling for Elijah."
One of them ran
and got a sponge soaked in sour wine and lifted it on a stick so he could
drink. The others joked, "Don't be in such a hurry. Let's see if Elijah comes
and saves him."

50 But Jesus, again crying out loudly,
breathed his last.

51-53 At that moment, the Temple curtain
was ripped in two, top to bottom.
There was an earthquake, and rocks were
split in pieces. What's more, tombs were opened up, and many bodies of
believers asleep in their graves were raised. (After Jesus' resurrection, they
left the tombs, entered the holy city, and appeared to many.)

54 The captain of the guard and those with
him, when they saw the earthquake and everything else that was happening, were
scared to death. They said, "This has to be the Son of God!"

55-56 There were also quite a few women
watching from a distance, women who had followed Jesus from Galilee in order to
serve him. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph,
and the mother of the Zebedee brothers.


The Tomb

57-61 Late in the afternoon a wealthy
man from Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus, arrived. His name was Joseph. He went
to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.
Pilate granted
his request. Joseph took the body and wrapped it in clean linens, put it in his
own tomb, a new tomb only recently cut into the rock, and rolled a large stone
across the entrance. Then he went off. But Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
stayed, sitting in plain view of the tomb.

62-64 After sundown, the high priests and
Pharisees arranged a meeting with Pilate. They said, "Sir, we just remembered
that that liar announced while he was still alive, 'After three days I will be
raised.' We've got to get that tomb sealed until the third day. There's a good
chance his disciples will come and steal the corpse and then go around saying,
'He's risen from the dead.' Then we'll be worse off than before, the final
deceit surpassing the first."

65-66 Pilate told them, "You will have a
guard. Go ahead and secure it the best you can." So they went out and secured
the tomb, sealing the stone and posting guards.



