16 December 2017
また、海外ニュースでよく見聞きし、事あるごとに某大統領が口にするあの言葉"God Bless
因みに、God Bless Americaを半世紀近く歌い続けてきた功績によって、1982年、アメリカ最高位の勲章・大統領自由勲章がレーガン大統領から歌手ケイト・スミスさんに授与されたそうです。その時の大統領の祝辞の一部に"God has truly
blessed America."というさらに強い言い回しで引用されています。
Thanks to her
they have become a cherished part of all our lives, an undying reminder of the
beauty, the courage and the heart of this great land of ours.
彼女のおかげで『God Bless America』は我々の人生における大事な一部分となり、我らの住む大地の美しさ、勇敢なる精神、そして強い心を尽きることなく思い起こさせてくれる。
In giving us
a magnificent, selfless talent like Kate Smith, God has truly blessed
以下参考:YouTube/URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1rKQReqJZg
Psalm 21The Message (MSG)
A David Psalm
21 1-7 Your strength, God, is the king's strength.
Helped, he's hollering Hosannas.
You gave him exactly what he wanted;
you didn't hold back.
You filled his arms with gifts;
you gave him a right royal welcome.
He wanted a good life; you gave it to him,
and then made it a long life as a bonus.
You lifted him high and bright as a cumulus cloud,
then dressed him in rainbow colors.
You pile blessings on him;
you make him glad when you smile.
Is it any wonder the king loves God?
that he's sticking with the Best?
8-12 With a fistful of enemies in one hand
and a fistful of haters in the other,
You radiate with such brilliance
that they cringe as before a furnace.
Now the furnace swallows them whole,
the fire eats them alive!
You purge the earth of their progeny,
you wipe the slate clean.
All their evil schemes, the plots they cook up,
have fizzled--every one.
You sent them packing;
they couldn't face you.
13 Show your strength, God, so
no one can miss it.
We are out singing the good news!