Bible class on Saturday June 6th, 2015
Matthew 27 The Message (MSG)
Thirty Silver Coins
27 1-2 In the first
light of dawn, all the high priests and religious leaders met and put the
finishing touches on their plot to kill Jesus. Then they tied him up and
paraded him to Pilate, the governor.
3-4 Judas, the one who betrayed him, realized that Jesus was doomed.
Overcome with remorse, he gave back the thirty silver coins to the high
priests, saying, "I've sinned. I've betrayed an innocent man."
They said, "What do we care? That's your
5 Judas
threw the silver coins into the Temple and left. Then he went out and hung
6-10 The high priests picked up the silver pieces, but then didn't know
what to do with them. "It wouldn't be right to give this--a payment for
murder!--as an offering in the Temple." They decided to get rid of it by buying
the "Potter's Field" and use it as a burial place for the homeless. That's how
the field got called "Murder Meadow," a name that has stuck to this day. Then
Jeremiah's words became history:
They took the thirty silver pieces,
The price of the one priced by some sons of Israel,
And they purchased the potter's field.
And so they unwittingly followed the divine
instructions to the letter.
11 Jesus
was placed before the governor, who questioned him: "Are you the 'King of the
Jesus said, "If you say so."
12-14 But when the accusations rained down hot and heavy from the high
priests and religious leaders, he said nothing. Pilate asked him, "Do you hear
that long list of accusations? Aren't you going to say something?" Jesus kept
silence--not a word from his mouth. The governor was impressed, really
15-18 It was an old custom during the Feast for the governor to pardon a
single prisoner named by the crowd. At the time, they had the infamous Jesus
Barabbas in prison. With the crowd before him, Pilate said, "Which prisoner do
you want me to pardon: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus the so-called Christ?" He knew
it was through sheer spite that they had turned Jesus over to him.
19 While court was still in session, Pilate's wife sent him a message:
"Don't get mixed up in judging this noble man. I've just been through a long
and troubled night because of a dream about him."
20 Meanwhile,
the high priests and religious leaders had talked the crowd into asking for the
pardon of Barabbas and the execution of Jesus.
21 The governor asked, "Which of the two do you want me to pardon?"
They said, "Barabbas!"
22 "Then what do I do with Jesus, the so-called Christ?"
They all shouted, "Nail him to a cross!"
23 He objected, "But for what crime?"
But they yelled all the louder, "Nail
him to a cross!"
24 When
Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere and that a riot was imminent, he took a
basin of water and washed his hands in full sight of the crowd, saying, "I'm
washing my hands of responsibility for this man's death. From now on, it's in
your hands. You're judge and jury."
25 The
crowd answered, "We'll take the blame, we and our children after us."
26 Then
he pardoned Barabbas. But he had Jesus whipped, and then handed over for
The Crucifixion
27-31 The soldiers assigned to the governor took Jesus into the governor's
palace and got the entire brigade together for some fun. They stripped him and
dressed him in a red toga. They plaited a crown from branches of a thornbush
and set it on his head. They put a stick in his right hand for a scepter. Then
they knelt before him in mocking reverence: "Bravo, King of the Jews!" they
said. "Bravo!" Then they spit on him and hit him on the head with the stick.
When they had had their fun, they took off the toga and put his own clothes back
on him. Then they proceeded out to the crucifixion.
3-4 Judas, the one who betrayed him,
realized that Jesus was doomed.
Overcome with remorse, he gave back the
thirty silver coins to the high priests, saying, "I've sinned. I've betrayed an innocent man." 3-4 イエスを裏切ったユダ...はイエスが有罪になったことを知り、自責の念に打ちのめされ「私は罪を犯しました。私は罪のない人を裏切ってしまった。」と言って、司祭長らに30枚の銀貨を返した。
その上、ピラトの妻も同様に:19 While court was still in session, Pilate's wife sent him a message: "Don't get mixed up in judging this noble man. 19 法廷の席に着いているとき、ピラトの妻はピラトにメッセージを送った。「その崇高な人の審判に関わってはいけない!」
21 The governor asked, "Which of the two do
you want me to pardon?"
They said, "Barabbas!"
21 総督ピラトは質問した。「二人のどちらを私に許してもらいたいのか?」 彼らは云った。「バラバだ!」
22 "Then what do I do with Jesus, the
so-called Christ?"
They all shouted, "Nail him to a cross!" 22 「それでは救い主と呼ばれているイエスについて私はどうしたらよいのか?」 彼らは叫んだ「イエスを十字架につけよ!」
23 He objected, "But for what crime?" But they yelled all the louder, "Nail him to a cross!" 23 総督は反論した。「しかし何の罪なのか?」しかしかれらは「彼を十字架につけよ」と一層大きな声で叫んだ。