Bible class on Saturday, 6 December, 2014
Matthew 21 The Message (MSG)
The Royal Welcome
21 1-3 When they
neared Jerusalem, having arrived at Bethphage on Mount Olives, Jesus sent two
disciples with these instructions: "Go over to the village across from you.
You'll find a donkey tethered there, her colt with her. Untie her and bring
them to me. If anyone asks what you're doing, say, 'The Master needs them!' He
will send them with you."
4-5 This is the full story of what was sketched earlier by the prophet:
Tell Zion's daughter,
"Look, your king's on his way,
poised and ready, mounted
On a donkey, on a colt,
foal of a pack animal."
6-9 The disciples went and did exactly what Jesus told them to do. They
led the donkey and colt out, laid some of their clothes on them, and Jesus
mounted. Nearly all the people in the crowd threw their garments down on the
road, giving him a royal welcome. Others cut branches from the trees and threw
them down as a welcome mat. Crowds went ahead and crowds followed, all of them
calling out, "Hosanna to David's son!" "Blessed is he who comes in God's name!"
"Hosanna in highest heaven!"
10 As
he made his entrance into Jerusalem, the whole city was shaken. Unnerved,
people were asking, "What's going on here? Who is this?"
11 The
parade crowd answered, "This is the prophet Jesus, the one from Nazareth in
この21章はじめの箇所のタイトルはThe Royal Welcome 「盛大な歓迎」です。早速このロイヤルウエルカムのイメージについて意見が盛り上がりました。アカデミー賞のレッドカーペットや英国王室のまさにロイヤルウエディングを彷彿させる言葉です。それぞれ主役は超デラックスなリムジンや何頭もの馬に牽かれる馬車で取り巻く観衆の中を入場してきます。そして同様に主役と観衆を区別するかのように主役が歩く道すべてに絨毯が敷き詰められます。それらが私たちが今までTVなどで観てきたロイヤルウエルカムのイメージだと思います。
しかし聖書の、そしてイエスのThe Royal Welcomeは明らかに違います。イエスは丈も低く柔和な性格のロバに乗ってエルサレムに入ります。しかもまるでそのことが旧約聖書のゼカリア書に預言として記されマタイによる福音書では引用されています。そしてロバに乗ったイエスの通る道にはレッドカーペットではなく、歓喜した民衆たちが自分たちの上着を脱ぎ捨てそれを敷いて盛大な歓迎を行ったとあります。また他の人々は木の枝を切って敷き詰めThe Royal Welcomeを表したとあります。
「自分着ていた上着を脱ぐ」これらは民衆が王様にひれ伏す態度の象徴で、救い主イエスに対する絶大な心服を意味しています。そしてついには、「ホサナ、ダビデの子! 祝福あれ神の名によって来られる方!」と賛美の叫びを民衆はあげるのです。
He Kicked Over the Tables
12-14 Jesus went straight to the Temple and threw out everyone who had set
up shop, buying and selling. He kicked over the tables of loan sharks and the
stalls of dove merchants. He quoted this text:
My house was designated a house of
You have made it a hangout for thieves.
Now there was room for the blind and
crippled to get in. They came to Jesus and he healed them.
15-16 When the religious leaders saw the outrageous things he was doing,
and heard all the children running and shouting through the Temple, "Hosanna to
David's Son!" they were up in arms and took him to task. "Do you hear what
these children are saying?"
Jesus said, "Yes, I hear them. And haven't
you read in God's Word, 'From the mouths of children and babies I'll furnish a
place of praise'?"
17 Fed
up, Jesus turned on his heel and left the city for Bethany, where he spent the
一転してこの箇所He Kicked Over the Tablesは、乱暴なイエスが描かれています。一方日本語の聖書は非常に上品でおとなしいタイトルです。たしか「宮きよめ」や「神殿から商人を追い出す」となっていました。
ここでイエスは神殿権力の長である祭司長や律法学者との対立を決定的なモノにする極めて厳しいメッセージを発しています。それは「私の家は・・・・・」My house was designated a house of prayer;・・・の一文です。イエスはエルサレムの神殿を指して「私の家」と称したのです。これには神殿を自分たちのモノとして牛耳る祭司長や律法学者らは、かつてない脅威と共にたとえようのない怒りを覚えたと思います。さらにイエスが壊し非難した両替商や物(いけにえ)売りに対する利権は彼ら神殿権力者のモノだったのですから、その利権と腐敗ぶりを看破され完全否定する行動がイエスが取ったHe Kicked Over the Tablesです。