

Bible class on Saturday September 20, 2014







Message (MSG)

Poured from His Face

17 1-3 Six
days later, three of them saw that glory. Jesus took Peter and the brothers,
James and John, and led them up a high mountain. His appearance changed from
the inside out, right before their eyes. Sunlight poured from his face. His
clothes were filled with light. Then they realized that Moses and Elijah were
also there in deep conversation with him.

Peter broke in, "Master, this is a
great moment! What would you think if I built three memorials here on the
mountain--one for you, one for Moses, one for Elijah?"

While he was going on like this,
babbling, a light-radiant cloud enveloped them, and sounding from deep in the
cloud a voice: "This is my Son, marked by my love, focus of my delight. Listen
to him."

6-8 When the disciples heard it, they
fell flat on their faces, scared to death. But Jesus came over and touched
them. "Don't be afraid." When they opened their eyes and looked around all they
saw was Jesus, only Jesus.

Coming down the mountain, Jesus swore
them to secrecy. "Don't breathe a word of what you've seen. After the Son of
Man is raised from the dead, you are free to talk."

10 The disciples, meanwhile, were asking
questions. "Why do the religion scholars say that Elijah has to come first?"

11-13 Jesus answered, "Elijah does come and
get everything ready. I'm telling you, Elijah has already come but they didn't
know him when they saw him. They treated him like dirt, the same way they are
about to treat the Son of Man." That's when the disciples realized that all
along he had been talking about John the Baptizer.



今日のバイブルクラスでは、このマタイ17章の御言葉の箇所の解説として、さらに新しい英語の聖書"The Voice"ののコメンタリーの紹介がありました。


Matthew 17 The Voice (VOICE)

Jesus is providing an
entirely different perspective on success and happiness. The new Kingdom is
breaking in, and the new community is coming together. This is the logic of
that Kingdom and that community: to inhabit God's story, this is what must be
done. To accrue fame and comfort and riches is counter to this new community.
In the economics of this new community, real success is marked by a willingness
to sacrifice one's very life to God, and the promised rewards are immense.

新しい神の王国は既に介入しいて、そして、新しい共同体として共におとずれている。 これは、その王国と共同体の論理である。神の物語(ご計画)をよりどころとするために、なされなければならないことである。名声と快適さと富(この世的な成功)を得るということは、新しい共同体とは正反対である。